Nous contacter
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3550 Route des Dolines 06410 Biot – Sophia Antipolis, Côte d’Azur, France
Téléphone : +33 4 92 96 68 74
E-mail :
12-14h & 19-21h30
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C’est vous
qui en parlez le mieux…
Basé sur 668 avis
Robert Staflin
07:57 29 Nov 24
I ate three nights – the bread and wine was good, and the food bland but nicely arranged. A very noisy restaurant – if there weren’t parties just outside the restaurant (no walls), the soul killing music was loud. One out of three waiters was effective and friendly, but orders were forgotten for me and other parties. Heavily perfumed staff, somewhat ruining the smell of food and wine.
Georges Viennet
20:01 27 Oct 24
High quality mealVaried menuSmiling and very professional servers.Relaxed atmosphere of sports and family holidays.I highly recommend taking a trip to the Emblem!Thanks for everything!